33 Articles

Catch A Plane

Leo Burnett Moscow

Issue 32 | September 2014

Pitch David

Ogilvy Beijing
Issue 20 | September 2011

An iPhone app was created which lets you pitch an idea directly to David over a videoconference. You open the app and see that you have a new contact—David Ogilvy! With one touch you’re able to call him and at once a virtual David is ready to listen to your idea (through voice recognition).

Club Matas

Wunderman A/S
Issue 19 | June 2011

The task was to launch Club Matas, linking the exhaustive knowledge of what is bought where and when with active declarations of interest from customers.

Steamy iAd

BBDO New York
Issue 19 | June 2011

When you tapped on the iAd banner, you saw a piping hot bowl of soup, which steamed up the screen of your iPhone. Wiping away the steam revealed the iconic Campbell’s can, which acted as a menu.

The Call That Launched a popsicle to Stardom

Proximity Colombia
Issue 19 | June 2011

The TV spot had shown Pablo, a teenager, calling his girlfriend and declaring his love by singing a rather cheesy love song to her. Only, it wasn’t her he had got through to but her older sister.

The Daily iPad

Wunderman Y&R New York
Issue 19 | June 2011

The iPhone app invited users to spin a digital globe to visit different places around the world of Land Rover and view adventures, discoveries and even the humanitarian activities the brand is involved in. They could watch videos about ‘the making of’ the commercials, about off-road adventure holidays and about Death Road in Bolivia. There were pictures to browse and stories to read.

The Nightjar

Issue 19 | June 2011

The solution was The 5 Experience’, an ambitious multi-media project designed to transform 5 Gum into an iconic entertainment platform for the digital age.

The Promise Keeper

Forsman & Bodenfors
Issue 19 | June 2011

The trouble with being an occasional runner is you may have good intentions but often you can always find other things to do than go out and pound the streets for a few miles.

Crazy Pet Owners - Mars Petcare USA

Catapult Action-Biased Marketing, USA
Issue 18 | March 2011

A hilarious microsite was created which showed tongue-in-cheek behind-the-scenes documentaries about the crazy pets shown in the commercial, Rusty the rhino, Bruno the ostrich and Max the bison. Each concluded with the tagline: Maybe you should get a dog.


20:20 London
Issue 11 | June 2009

In what is claimed to be a "media first", 20:20 London have created mobile specific content to raise teenage pregnancy and safe sex awareness
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