Online & Digital

Spark the Next

Client: Maserati

Issue 56 | September 2020


The Ghibli Hybrid is Maserati’s first ever electrified vehicle. It’s the brand’s first step towards electrifying its entire fleet and part of the luxury car manufacturer’s brand reawakening. The hybrid category is well-trodden territory; clean, green, technological and earnest. But following the crowd is not in Maserati’s brand playbook. Without showrooms and conventional events in the new normal, Maserati wanted to break ground with an immersive digital campaign that sets Maserati on the road to its audacious electric future. Idea Along with the new vehicles comes a Maserati-first in campaign approach on digital-first storytelling, culture impact and influencer partnerships. The ‘Spark The Next’ campaign tells the story of Maserati’s electric future in a way only Maserati could. It’s about where powerful forces meet; performance, the possibilities of electricity and audacity for the brand, the Ghibli Hybrid car and the modern consumer. ‘Spark the Next’ is an attitude. One that refuses the future that has been set. A clash of then and now to make what’s next. It’s all Sparked in the Ghibli Hybrid; Sparked in the people who drive it; Sparking the future.

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