Mail & Door Drops

Burglary Warning Mailshot For Swiss Insurance Company

Helvetia Insurance

Issue 46 | April 2018


Agentur am Flughafen

Creative Team

Creative Direction: René Eugstair Art Direction: Dominique Rutishauser Graphics/Coordination: Valeria Hörler Text: Miriam Egli


September 2015


It is becoming more and more difficult for insurance salespeople to set up appointments with medium-size companies. The idea was to present a potential danger: one for which it is possible to have insurance. As well as feeling terrible, anyone targeted by burglars will also find themselves up to their neck in hassle. Everything comes to a standstill. The police are at the house. Clean-up operations begin. Helvetia Insurance offers a "No Worries" package to help out.


A noncriminal door-opener mailshot was designed and sent in phases to medium-size companies, and later followed up by telephone. But the aim could not be achieved without a break-in. The address window on the envelope had been smashed. When the recipient opened the envelope, they found a letter surrounded by shards of glass. The letter prompted them to arrange a preventative consultation with Helvetia Insurance.


The burglary mailshot was extremely successful. During the follow-up telephone call, recipients recalled the mailshot and the insurance consultants were able to arrange an appointment for a consultation with 60% of recipients. Of these, a direct sale was concluded in 30% of the cases.