Mail & Door Drops

The Parcel Memory

Swedish Post

Issue 27 | July 2013


Akestam Holst

Creative Team

Creative Director: Andreas Ullenius Art Director: Lars Holthe Copywriter: Joakim Labraaten

Production Team

Digital Producer: Johan Eklund Account Director: Jacob Stjarne Account Manager: Katarina Johansson Graphic Designer: Olov Oqvist Planner: Lars Friberg Studio Assistant: Felicia Lodin

Other Credits

Production Companies: It’s Showtime! Stockholm and Stockholm With Love


December 2012


The brief was to promote the Swedish Post’s pre-franked parcels and encourage people to send more Xmas gifts in December.


The Parcel Memory – an online match-making game challenging the nation to keep the parcels in mind. If you found a matching pair you won both. But since they’re identical and giving and receiving are just as fun, the gifts had to be sent to different receivers.


In December 2012 over 1% of Sweden’s population (or a million people) spent an average of 16 minutes memorising the Swedish Post’s pre-franked parcels.

Our Thoughts

This is a digital campaign we’ve put in Direct Mail. Confusing? Well, just bear in mind that ideas cross categories the whole time these days. Most of the campaigns featured in the following sections of Directory could be entered into Cannes in at least 15 different categories, if not more. And probably have been!

So, while this is essentially an online game, it is promoting the good old post and the prize for winners of the game was the sense of anticipation and pleasure you get when a package is delivered to your door. Long live mail!