Outdoor & Events

Stop Traffick

Street Grace

Issue 50 | March 2019


BBDO Atlanta

Creative Team

Global Chief Creative Officer: David Lubars Chief Creative Officer, Atlanta: Robin Fitzgerald Senior Copywriter: Emily Miller Senior Art Director: Lauren Culbertson Art Director/Designer: Sara Lowe

Production Team

Head of Production: Marc Calamia Integrated Producers: Reid Howard, Stacey Coker Senior Developer: Brandon Jones Sound Design: Jamie Shepard Production and Editorial: Bark Bark Editorial: Hero Post Print Production: The Color Spot

Other Credits

Senior Project Manager: Becky Ocampos Head of Account: Tami Oliva Account Executives: Shannon Collins, Lauren Herstik Business Manager: Meredith Thornhill Public Relations: Porter Novelli


January 2019


Child sex trafficking is a growing problem in the US that no one likes to talk about. In fact, in Georgia alone, up to 3,600 kids are sold for sex each year. With the Super Bowl coming to Atlanta in February, sex trafficking was set to spike, making public awareness more urgent than ever.


At the start of Human Trafficking Awareness Month and just one month before the Super Bowl, a caravan of 72 school buses drove through midtown Atlanta, creating a mile-long message that was too big for the public to ignore. Each of the 72 buses represented 50 kids sold into sex trafficking in Georgia each year, for a total of 3,600 kids.


Within 48 hours, the stunt was covered in over 500 news stories, had 160M media impressions, 10.8K social media mentions, and 42M social media impressions. The morning of the stunt, #StopTraffick became a trending topic on Twitter and overall Stop Traffick media mentions went up 4,500%. After the stunt and throughout Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Street Grace Facebook engagement went up 594%, page views went up 735%, and video views went up 175,033%.