Night Creature Generator
New York
Issue 44 | September 2017
BBDO New York
Creative Team
Chief Creative Officer: David Lubars (BBDO Worldwide) Chief Creative Officer: Greg Hahn (BBDO New York) Executive Creative Director: Danilo Boer/ Marcos Kotlhar Associate Creative Director: Marcus Johnston/ Jim Connolly Art Director: Marcus Johnston Copywriter: Jim Connolly Design Director: Dennis Payongayong Senior 3D Designer: Chris D'Andrea Designer: Genelle Salazar
Production Team
Production Companies: Spotify/ Layerframe Studios Producer: Kait Walsh Associate Creative Director: Sam Duke Designer: Chris Daou/ Dave Yoon@ Layerframe Development: Matt Egan/ Oliver Gould @ Layerframe Senior Account Director: Jill Frank Account Director: Annabel Wilcken International Sales Planner: Reena Magudia Senior Client Service Manager: Beth Mahoney
Other Credits
Head of Communications Planning: Julian Cole Communications Planning Director: Patrick Tomasiewicz Account Team: Steven Panariello/ Joshua Goodman/ Meghan Wood Media Agency: OMD New York Group Account Director: Shanae Johnson Global Digital Group Director: Keith Brewer: Digital Supervisor: Kristen Oh Strategy Supervisor: Ankita Nigam
November 2016
To strengthen Bacardi's association to music / nightlife and make their bat logo stand for something, data was used to match people to their own 'Night Creature' based on their music listening habits.
The 'Night Creature Generator' analyzes your unique Spotify listening history, looking for the most prominent music genres listened to and the sonic information of your most listened tracks (Spotify categorizes every song in their database with a 0-100 score on 8 attributes—Beats Per Minute, Energy, Danceability, Loudness, Valence, Length, Acoustic, Popularity). It then references your information with parameters designated for the different Night Creature archetypes, and a match is given. You are then presented with your 'Night Creature' name and a unique personalized playlist of music in that 'genre' which the user hadn't listened to before. No two playlists were the same.
Over 24,000 Night Creatures were generated. And a total of over 3 years' worth of unique, personalized music playlists for users, informed by behavioral listening data. The campaign had a total of 31 million media impressions, and strengthened Bacardi's association to music and nightlife. A highly targeted campaign that used music and data to connect and engage with the audience and give new meaning to the Bacardi bat.