
Milka Last Square

Mondelez International

Issue 30 | March 2014



Creative Team

Creative Director Georges Mohammed-Che´rif General Manager Thomas Granger Agency Managers Julien Levilain Antoine Ferrari Loi¨c Coelho Copywriter Miguel Dura~o Art Directors Cle´ment Se´chet Daniel Evans Strategic Planner Renaud Berthe

Production Team

TV Producers Vanessa Barbel Elodie Poupea Yoann Morin Director Zoe Fisher Film Production GOOD PH Digital Producers Laurent Marcus Francois Cavalin Digital Production Company Anonymous


September 2013


In 2013, Mondelez asked to Buzzman to find a new way to express the brand's message "Dare to be tender".

Rather than just talk about tenderness, the question Buzzman asked was, could they get people to be tender, using the chocolate itself as media.


A square of chocolate was removed from over 10 million Milka chocolate bars. Now anyone who bought a Milka bar had a choice. They could either claim back that last square themselves or they could be tender and send it to someone they were fond of with a personalized and suitably tender message.

All they needed to do was go to on their smartphones and computers and type in the code printed on the inside of the product wrapper. Then they wrote their message and left it to Milka to mail the last chunk for them.

Milka had to change their entire manufacturing process to make chocolate bars with one square missing but the results justified the decision.


So far, there have been 500 000 visits to the website.

2min15 average time spent per visit.

220,000 squares of Milka chocolate have been mailed.

3 million views of the videos.

700 articles. 


70 million people reached in 117 countries.

1.3M € in earned media.

Our Thoughts

Suggesting changing your client’s total manufacturing process is not usually to be recommended unless you have a very good idea behind it. Well, this idea is most certainly a tasty way to celebrate Milka’s ‘Dare to be tender’ proposition. Daring of them, too.

In the UK, for many years, Rolo ran a campaign along similar lines. ‘Do you love someone enough to give them your last Rolo?’. This is a very similar thought but executed in a much more engaging way that truly encouraged people to express their tenderness. Sweet.