Outdoor & Events

Papel Clave (Key Role)

CINFA Laboratories

Issue 57 | December 2020


Ogilvy Barcelona

Creative Team

Executive Creative Director & Strategy Advisor Gabriel García de Oro Creative Director Enrique Almodóvar Copywriters Enrique Almodóvar, Mar Rodríguez Art director Oriol De Carreras

Production Team

Director of Graphic Services Jordi Roca Account team Anna Torres and Mònica Sensat

Other Credits

VP Ogilvy Spain & CEO Ogilvy Barcelona Jordi Urbea Managing Director Gemma Gutiérrez Communications and PR Marc Casanovas, Eva Cervera, Christian Martínez Client Marketing Manager, Prescription Medicines Ana Lus


October 2020


Pharmacists have been on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic. Aware of the extreme importance of their efforts, Cinfa Laboratories wanted to pay tribute to the key role these professionals play but with deeds not words.


The campaign converted the paper of the bags that pharmacies used to wrap up patient medicines into a disinfectant paper.

On contact with water the paper turned into soap, fulfilling two functions. One, allowing people to avoid contagion and two, raising awareness of the importance of handwashing as part of the battle against Covid-19.

The bags included an explanatory brochure and instructions on how to use the paper to wash correctly.


As of late October, 1.6 million paper bags had been sent to pharmacies across Spain, where they were well received. Many pharmacists shared the campaign on their social networks.

Our Thoughts

Hygiene is of huge importance in coping with Covid-19. CINFA is not the only brand to be encouraging people to wash their hands. On page 42 we show how Lifebuoy has been doing the same in India. And in Directory 56 we showed how Lush have made a soap that lasts for thirty seconds, the time you should take to wash. This from CINFA is admirably relevant. It solves the perceived problem that packaging may be a vehicle for contagion while sending a reassuring message to elderly people, the group who are most in receipt of medicines, that the brand is looking out for them.