Join Party: The Fortnite job interview
Issue 49 | December 2018
Creative Team
Creative Founder & CEO Wale Gbadamosi-Oyekanmi Creative Directors Paris - Berlin Fabienne Fiorucci, Damien Foui Art Director Boris Lavergne Copywriter Thomas Brouchon Head of Visual Daniel Ismaily
August 2018
The agency wanted to recruit a couple of interns and saw this as an opportunity to get visibility, differentiating themselves from other agencies by creating the most entertaining job interview ever.
On a budget of 0 Euros.
Fortnite is a multi-player video game that has taken the world by storm in 2018 with 125 million players.
The idea was to use the game’s voice-chat feature to interview candidates while playing with them against enemy teams.
To apply, all applicants had to do was add the agency on Fortnite (via the Playstation Network) and a game would be scheduled with them after reviewing their portfolio. Each interview lasted for the duration of a Fortnite match of 10 to 20 minutes.
Having a common objective, surviving together against other players, totally changed the way interviews were conducted. Participants felt less inhibited and more free to speak and the process became much less formal.
Candidates who didn’t or couldn’t play Fortnite were still able to request a more traditional interview by emailing [email protected] To launch the campaign, a key visual and a few lines explaining the concept were posted online and a small press release was issued to international media outside France.
In one day, the agency got more than 350 accounts requests on PlayStation and had 600 more after a few days. People applied from all over the world, from countries including Turkey, Sweden and Mexico.
Around 250 candidates reached out through [email protected].
In one month, more than 120 articles in sixteen different languages in media around the world talked about the idea.
In total, the agency conducted 50 interviews on Fortnite and two talented interns were recruited to help develop campaigns as interesting as this one.
Our Thoughts
If you create advertising that’s relevant because it’s topical, interesting and entertaining, then it ceases to be advertising. It becomes a laugh, an invitation, a moment to share. Like this clever bit of self-promotion for DARE.WIN, which has been heavily disguised as a recruitment campaign. The message here is if you want to reach those pesky millennials, all of whom know how to prevent you from doing just that, then you need to know where they go, what they do and how they do it. And here’s an agency who can help you.