Outdoor & Events

Street Map

Issue 15 | June 2010


Draftfcb Germany

Creative Team

Executive Creative Director: Dirk Haeusermann; Creative Director: Alexandra Höhn; Art Director: Malte Timm; Copywriters: Alexandra Höhn, Thomas Völker

Production Team

Agency Producer: Jens Adomat

Other Credits

Account Manager: Daniel Hultgren


October 2009


The Alzheimer Society in Hamburg is a charity that relies entirely on donations for its daily operations. The target audience for the campaign was defined as being new donors, in other words most of the healthy people in the city. Because the nature of the disease is difficult for healthy people to relate to, the Society needed an idea that would both raise awareness of Alzheimer’s and raise money.


Alzheimer’s disease makes itself apparent through memory loss. To dramatise what this feeling of disorientation must be like to a sufferer, the agency created a street-map but with all street names blanked out. The maps were left in bars, restaurants and information desks. The message called for donations for the Alzheimer Society. A 19% increase in calls and a 5% increase in donations to the Alzheimer Society Hamburg


A 19% increase in calls and a 5% increase in donations to the Alzheimer Society.

Our Thoughts

This idea looks so obvious that it would be easy to dismiss it. Besides, we featured some interesting work for a similar charity in New Zealand in Directory 14. But this little map is exactly the sort of thing you might easily look at in a bar or a restaurant and slip in your pocket to consider more fully later on. At any rate, it would not have cost a great deal and one hopes that the 5% increase in donations was decent money for such a worthwhile charity.