Time Keeper
Issue 61 | January 2022
Creative Team
Chief Creative Officers Stefan Ronge, Mattias Ronge Creative Director Martin Jon Adolfsson Art Director Juan Posada Copywriter Sean Cullivan Designer Joao Lauro Fonte
Production Team
Technical Director Myles Cameron Innovation Director Anders Hallen Head of Operations, Healthcare Ashlea Reece Project Director Emma Zadravetz Senior Producer Alex Shillingford Film Production Tubby Brothers Digital Production Milo Creative
Other Credits
Account Manager Isabelle Prestt Thomson Account Executive Isabella Montagna Assistant Account Executive Stephanie Campbell Associate Director Rob Barlow Associate Director Digital Strategy Kate Tagge Client Leader Therapeutic Area Communications & Public Affairs EMEA Noah Reymond
September 2021
Janssen is the medical research and pharmaceuticals division of Johnson & Johnson.
Blood cancers like multiple myeloma were stealing time from people, in some cases by shortening lives but in all cases by creating waiting time. Average hospital stays were 14 days on average, compared to eight days across all cancers.
Many people who have been waiting to retire and enjoy the free time have found instead they have been stuck in waiting rooms, waiting for specialists and results.
TimeKeeper was an app that bent time when it encountered open minds. It helped patients do more than make the most of their time, it made time. Paired to their Apple Watch, when a patient engaged with the app the clock’s colour and speed changed.
It worked because the brain takes longer to process new impressions than routine activities. Doing new things helped people bend time to their advantage because the subjective experience of it seeming to last longer.
Patients logged their interests in the app and then received prompts to try new activities. ‘How to’ videos and trainings enabled them to learn new skills at home, even in lockdown.
The campaign reached over 8.5 million people, surpassing engagement targets by 439% with over 10,500 click-throughs to the campaign landing page.
Downloads that put new experiences and new skills in the hands of patients exceeded expectations by 350%.
Anecdotal feedback was that the initiative was “brilliant”, it “encourages positive thinking…moments of joy and achievement.”
Our Thoughts
There is no doubt that tech is transforming healthcare. Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Apple are all taking an interest in what is said to be a $3 trillion market. The insight here is that when you do suffer from pretty much any sort of medical condition, time is heavy on your hands. If Janssen can get you beatboxing, trying origami or learning magic tricks, you’re living life more fully, which is therapeutic in itself.