Eyescare app
Belgian Opticians and Optometrists Association
Issue 37 | December 2015
Creative Team
CD: Katrien Bottez Digital Creative Director: Laurent Dochy Director of Creative Strategy & Innovation : Joris Joosten Creatives: Diederik Jeangout, Iwein Vandevyver
Production Team
Development: Bert Vermeire, Ken Wuytack Design: Ken Wuytack Soundstudio: Sonicville PR: FAMOUS Relations (Wim Van der Linden & Anne-Cécile Collignon)
Other Credits
Client contacts: Vincent Breugelmans
October 2015
'National Eye Health Week', an initiative of the A.P.O.O.B. (Belgian Opticians and Optometrists Association) was proud to announce the launch of the free 'Eyescare' app, to coincide with World Sight Day. The app was designed to boost awareness for the dangers of excessive use of computers.
8 hours per day. That is how long people sit behind a computer screen on average every day. Despite the fact that the excessive use of computers can cause significant eye fatigue which, in turn, can have serious consequences. Tired eyes, hazy vision, headaches... these are just a few examples of the symptoms which can be caused by excessive computer use.
"Nevertheless, there is a simple technique to counter tired computer eyes: the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look away from your computer screen for 20 seconds and look at an object 20 metres away," explains Vincent Breugelmans, spokesman for 'National Eye Health Week'. "But let's be honest: who of us has the discipline to apply that in practice every day?"
Which is why 'National Eye Health Week' launched Eyescare, a desktop app which showed you a shocking photo every 20 minutes, forcing you to look away from the screen. And there was no escaping it. Because the photo was shown full screen and only disappeared after a few seconds.
"More than just an effective tool, however, Eyescare's goal is to generate global awareness for an acute present-day problem," says Breugelmans.
'Eyescare' was available for Windows and Mac for free via eyescare.be.
People from Belgium who wanted to check whether their sight was perfectly in order could have their eyes tested for free by a qualified optician during 'National Eye Health Week'. Anyone interested could do so until 17 October via weekvanhetzien.be.
- Eyescare generated awareness in more than 54 countries.
- 21% of the website visitors downloaded the app.
- ROI from media coverage was 418.500 EUR.
- 2.3 million Belgians were reached (= +-1/4 of the Belgian population) via media coverage.