The Emirates Constellation
Emirates NBD
Issue 62 | March 2022
FP7 McCann Dubai
Creative Team
Constellation Creative Concept and Plan Tahaab Rais Regional ECD Oliver Robinson Head of Arabic and Writer Manar Munjed Art Director and Constellation Designer Nathalie Douleh
Production Team
Agency Producer Farha Moon Integration Production Lead Pratixa Production Company Film Pudding
Other Credits
Business Leader Vicky Kriplani Regional Head of Strategy Tahaab Rais Account Manager Riddhi Mayank Junior Account Manager Shakeb Ghanim Chief Astronomer and President, Dubai Astronomy Group Dr. Hassan Ahmad Al Hariri Constellation Architect, Dubai Astronomy Group Ameena Client EVP, Head of Group Marketing & Customer Experience Vikram Krishna Chief Marketing Officer Moadh Bukhash Vice President, Group Media and Social Mai Cheblak Social Media Managers Sanaz Samadi, Hind Al Ali
December 2021
In the past decade, the United Arab Emirates has progressed at an exponential pace. Building on the Expo 2020 in Dubai, tourism campaigns, and evolving societal and political policies, Emirates NBD, a leading UAE-based banking group, wanted to celebrate the country, its vision, its people and its future on the UAE’s iconic 50th National Day.
To raise the nation brand among the stars, literally, the first constellation of stars was named after a nation. Maps of the stars were analysed and a group of stars in the shape of the UAE identified and registered by the Dubai Astronomy Group. Within the constellation are seven stars, representing the seven emirates.
The idea was launched at Expo 2020 in Dubai on December 1st 2021 with a film that started and ended with the words of Sheikh Zayed, founder of the UAE.
‘The Emirates’ constellation was integrated into leading star-gazing apps and on web and mobile people could locate the stars.
Results not yet available.
Our Thoughts
In all the various commentaries about this idea there are many puns. ‘An inspiration to our people to reach for the stars.’ ‘The sky is the limit for our country’s future’.
They are all expressions of pride and rightly so. In 50 years, life expectancy in the region has risen by 16 years for men and 17 years for women. In 1971, 48% of UAE adults were literate, today it’s 95%. And GDP per capita is now the 7th highest in the world.
Looking ahead, Agenda 2030 is an action plan to make measurable progress across 17 sustainable development goals. The people of Dubai have good reason to be over the moon.