Mail & Door Drops


Issue 11 | July 2009


JWT Dubai

Creative Team

Executive Creative Director: Chafic Haddad

Production Team

Urofoam Ltd, UK


February 4th 2009, World Cancer Day


With World cancer day approaching, FOCP wanted to alert women to the fact that they should have their breasts examined regularly.


To simulate exactly the same feeling a woman gets when she detects a lump in her breast, a small stone was imbedded within a soft, pink stressball.

The message on the ball prompts the recipient to squeeze and feel the lump inside.

The leaflet within the box explained how the recipient could perform a self-check in four easy steps.


5000 stressballs were mailed out and 2,330 women called up FOCP or logged onto the website within one month of the mailing.

Our Thoughts

For me, direct mail can be a wonderfully interactive medium – and this is a great example of just that. The recipients were encouraged to touch and feel and it was through their fingers that they got the message.

Dimensional mailings can often be the result of a decent budget. Ooh look, we’ve got some money, let’s spend it on putting something in a box. This has – perhaps point is the wrong word – sense.