Broadcast, Press & Inserts

We Hear You


Issue 38 | March 2016


Leo Burnett Chicago

Creative Team

Executive Vice President Creative Director John Hansa Senior Vice President Creative Director Tony Katalinic Senior Vice President Creative Directors Gordy Sang Brian Siedband Art Director Jill Solarczyk Copywriter Leigh Kunkel

Production Team

Production Company MJZ Post Production Cutters Audio Production Another Country Senior Vice President Executive Producer Denis Giroux Senior Producer Beth Dolnick Senior Talent Manager Linda Yuen Talent Manager Regina Gomez Assistant Music Producer Alec Stern

Other Credits

Managing Account Directors Rich Stoddart Catherine Davis Account Directors Josh Raper Jennifer Klopf Account Supervisor Richard Henderson Assistant Account Executive E Yiwei Zhu Account Manager Sue Rickey Executive Vice President Planning Director Lance Koenig Planning Director Anca Rhone Vice President Senior Attorney Laura Cooney Associate Director Commercial Clearance Sina Martin-Simon Senior Business Manager Shirley Costa


October 2015


For the longest time, customers have been wishing for, dreaming about and demanding all-day access to McDonald's breakfast menu. McDonald's wanted to let them know their dreams had finally come true and their tweets — so many tweets — had been heard.


The agency decided the consumers' words were the best way to capture the excitement surrounding the news.

TV spots captured real-life social posts from Egg McMuffin enthusiasts when they heard the news. The work brought a lighthearted humor to the comically enthusiastic tone McDonald's customers used in social media. The audience engaged with the spots and continued to contribute to the conversation about all-day breakfast.


The spots helped set the bar of excitement for McDonald's all-day breakfast availability. Sales have increased and McDonald's YouGov BrandIndex rating is now at its highest since late 2013. The conversation and audience responses prove how universally loved McDonald's is.

Our Thoughts

Marketers often talk about "the conversation" between the brand and its customers/users. What they mean is they shout out a message. Or maybe they tweet a message about the product. It's a one-way conversation or what we call a monologue. But actually listen and respond? Dialogue, in fact? Hardly ever. This isn't what you might call a rapid-fire exchange but it is at least McDonald's showing they are aware of what their customers are saying. And rewarding them by sharing a handful of their tweets with the entire nation, which encourages them to tweet even more. So, it's a TV commercial, designed for social media.