Online & Digital

The Suncell Guide


Issue 37 | January 2016


MRM//McCann Stockholm

Creative Team

Account Director: Erik Frisell Copywriter: Fredrik Sundqvist Digital Design: Tobias Vermehren Art Director: Erik Olsson Account Manager: Karolina Tysell

Production Team

Developer: Johan Ardlin Interaction Design: Eric Gullberg Developer: Marcus Johansson Strategy Director: Johan Blomström Account Manager: Sofia Finnman-Larsson Digital Design: Guillaume Payen Developer: Arnolds Verins Interaction Design: Charlotta Klintmark Production: MRM//McCann Stockholm


March 2015


Vattenfall was Sweden's biggest generator of electricity and producer of heat. Since they were focusing on renewable power sources, the sun was "the next big thing".


The Suncell Guide was a new interactive tool that, via Google Maps, made it easy for anyone to see what solar cell panels could do for their specific house. The marked-up area in Google Maps showed how many square meters of solar panels Vattenfall could put on your roof while the roof-angles and cardinal directions calculated the amount of sun reaching your roof. When all was set the tool presented the amount of supplied kWh and the amount of money you'd save every year. Of course you also got an attractive offer from Vattenfall.