IKEA Belgium
Issue 54 | March 2020
Ogilvy Social.Lab
Creative Team
Chief Creative Officer Gabriel Araujo Creatives Gregory Ginterdaele, Antoinette Ribas
Production Team
Designer Ogilvy Social.Lab & IOL Design Photographer/Director Filip Vanzieleghem 3D printed UNIC-3D Brussels
Other Credits
Strategy Awie Erasmus Account Team Caroline Charles, Morgane Morel Social Media Strategist Elliot Steed Motion Design Sadaf Naqui, Lara Silber, Hugo El Koubi, Xavier Vanderplancke
January 2020
Every two seconds, a fan shared a photo of his IKEA interior on Instagram. In total, some 11 million posts had been uploaded.
For IKEA, this kind of UGC was an important connection with the brand’s fans and an endless source of authentic content. In 2020, IKEA Belgium wanted to strengthen this bond and the use of the #monIKEA and #mijnIKEA hashtags on Instagram.
After analysing the brand’s data, a ‘thing’ was designed from the four most shared icons of 2019, the MUG, the POT, the LAMP and the SHELF.
Mixed together they became the MÜPOLASH, a ‘thing’ with the most instagrammable potential ever imagined.
Only five examples of the MÜPOLASH were 3D-printed from 100% biodegradable material and in white, the colour most favoured by Instagrammers.
The MÜPOLASH was put on exhibition at the Design Museum in Gent and one copy was put up for grabs on Instagram. All fans had to do was play with the MÜPOLASH A.R. instagram filter and take a beautiful shot of it in their homes, tagging @ IKEAbelgium with #monIKEA or #mijnIKEA.
As yet not known.
Our Thoughts
FOMO is a genuine psychological state that is made worse by Instagram. It’s seeing that other people seem to be having a more interesting and more rewarding life than you. The flip side is the Desperate Desire to be the Only One – or DDOO. How could Sir Tim Berners-Lee have foreseen that his gift to the world would induce psychotic behaviour like this in so many millions? I’m betraying my age here, I know, but it would never occur to me to take a photo of a lamp, for instance, and share it with my friends.
But millions do and here is IKEA tapping into the social media habits of their fans with a light but knowing touch of irony.