

Issue 17 | December 2010



Creative Team

Creative Director: Juan Nonzioli; Copywriter: Natalia Rodriguez; Art Director: Tania Riera ; Digital Creative Director: Alfonso Marian, Monica Balanzategui ; Digital Copywriter: Albeto Talegon; Digital Art Directors: Lucia Agudo, Maria Solomon; PR and Social Media Team: Eva Leoz, Lara Garcia

Production Team

Audiovisual: Manuela Zamora, Cristina Cortizas, Paula Cuadrado; Graphis: Itxaro Vicuna, Susana Herraez, Ana Perez; Digital: Joaquin Garcia Morato, Gonzalo Fernandez, Santiago Bernabe, Jorge Gil

Other Credits

General Account Manager: Javier Suso; Account Management Team: Elvis Santos, Sheila Alvarez ; Digital Account Team: Sascha Kraft, Ana Caballero


January 2010


The FSC Inserta Program for Talent (ONCE Foundation) helps disabled people find jobs. But employers are prejudiced against people they regard as less than able.

The brief, then, was simply to show the business community that disabled people are not unable people.


What started out as a conventional direct marketing campaign to raise public awareness with a budget for 20-second DRTV spots, became an engrossing documentary featuring Ferran Adrià, founder and chef of El Bulli, the most prestigious restaurant in Spain; Marcos de Quinto, president of Coca Cola Iberia; and María Garaña, president of Microsoft Ibérica.

They were filmed doing their jobs but deaf, blind and in a wheelchair respectively. The result was ‘Capable’, a documentary showing that the only limitations there are to disabled people are those imposed by prejudice and ignorance.

20-second TV spots drove viewers to where the film could be viewed and information downloaded.

Radio, outdoor, direct mail to business leaders and HR Managers, emailing and PR all helped build traffic.


  • 65.84% increase in the number of employment offers from external companies to disabled people over the previous year.
  • 64.26% increase in the number of job positions offered.
  • 51.44% increase in the number of disabled people who signed onto the job register.
  • More than 60,000 visits to the website in the first month
  • 25.09% of emails opened  with the first shot, 43.8% opened with the second shot.
  • 114 campaign mentions across TV, radio, print and digital press plus hundreds of references in blogs, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter.
  • Due to the campaign's success, the Spanish public national TV channel TVE ran the documentary at prime time on a peak audience day (February 14th at 21:30).

Our Thoughts

This campaign started out with an advertiser willing to pay media owners for their space and it ended up with a media owner willing to pay the advertiser.

It’s the holy grail of branded content, creating ideas that don’t only generate revenue by driving sales of the brand but which generate income in their own right.

Thus “Critical Assignment”, a 90-minute Guinness commercial, has so far taken $45m at the box-office in Nigeria.

Shackleton can already provide a model for the agency of the near-future in, firstly, being regarded by its clients as a business partner and, secondly, in owning or co-owning the IP rights of the entertainment products it develops. This is more profitable than simply selling time, which is what most agencies do these days.