Outdoor & Events


Jaguar Land Rover

Issue 51 | June 2019



Creative Team

Creative Director Francisco Castillo Art Director Jose´ Holgado Copywriter Vi´ctor Di´az-Rulo

Production Team

Agency Producer Bea Puente Production House Somos5 Executive Producer Jonatan Andre´s Producer Mari´a Vallo´. Director Gerardo Berna

Other Credits

Managing Director Iberia & CRM Director Europe Gonzalo Ocio Account Director Anibal Sa´nchez Account Supervisor Marta Villa Social Media Manager Carla Sao Miguel Media Agency DentsuX


January 2019


The Discovery is the largest Land Rover SUV, perfect for families and also perfect for dogs because of its space and bespoke accessories. Based on the universal insight that dogs are first for its owners, Land Rover created the first billboard for dogs to get them to convince their owners that the Discovery is the car they were looking for.


An interactive billboard was created that exuded the smell of bacon. When dogs got a whiff of the lovely smell, they pulled their owners to the poster, where the owners discovered that their dogs had something to tell them. Namely, that this was the car that dogs preferred.


Before the campaign had ended, over a thousand people had shared the idea in social media, racking up some eight million media impressions.

Our Thoughts

The agency claims this is “the first bill board for dogs” but the Purina campaign on the two previous pages proves this is not strictly true. It is strange but true that people in different countries and with different briefs can come up with the same idea at the same time.

Now you may think this idea here is just a silly stunt. In thinking that, however, you will reveal yourself as someone who doesn’t own a dog.

Dog owners really are influenced in their choice of car by their pets, something Land Rover takes seriously. In 2018 they marketed special pet packs for International Dog Appreciation Day on August 26th and were pleased in October when the new Discovery was voted Dog Friendly Car of the Year in the UK.

I know this because I have three dogs. And a Land Rover to put them in.