This is Living Ambient
Sony Computer Entertainment NZ
Issue 4 | July 2008
Creative Team
Corey Chalmers - Copywriter ;Corey Chalmers - Art Director ;Andy Blood - Executive Creative Director
Production Team
Jude Lehmann - Production Manager
Other Credits
Mark Cochrane - Account Director ;Brendon McLean - Account Manager
March 2007
PlayStation 3 needed little introduction to hardcore gamers and gadget geeks. There is, however, another group of people who may have heard the name and not much else, who are open to technology but prefer the experience of playing, rather than component detail porn. The aim of this campaign was to intrigue these people in a non-technical, cyber-geek free way.
To launch PlayStation 3 in New Zealand, TBWA\Whybin created a campaign that was unconventional, mysterious and slightly under the radar. It was also a chance to give PlayStation 3 a personality and an attitude, to build intrigue and ultimately drive people to the website www.thisisliving.co.nz to find out more.
PlayStation 3 is so intelligent that it’s literally alive. So for the launch, the agency brought the international campaign line ‘This is Living’ to life. Speech bubbles with menacing voices were placed on and near inanimate objects in targeted areas with high foot traffic - specifically university campuses and sports venues throughout New Zealand - and this made the objects come ‘alive’ and able to have their say. Unbranded, they simply directed people to the website. This was followed on the launch day with highly visible bus sides and bus stops in the central city, and bar coasters in specific bars.
Not available
Our Thoughts
The people TBWAWhybin wanted to talk to about the new generation of PlayStation don’t watch TV and they tend to think advertising sucks. Unless it’s clever, surprising and funny - which this ambient campaign is. They do like a drink - hence beermats as a major medium for the PS3 launch. This is cracking.