Hormone Check
The Norwegian Consumer Council - App, Facebook, Live Stunts, Newspapers and TV
Issue 24 | September 2012
Creative Team
Art Director: Markus Lind Copywriter: Eva Sannum
Production Team
Design: Espen Aaeng Developers: Christopher Aalholm , August Lilleaas
Other Credits
Account Manager: Fred Kihle Project Manager: Linda Tillier
October 2011
Research had shown that cosmetics and body care products contain hormone-altering chemicals that could seriously harm one’s health. This concerned people but how could they know what to look out for when they didn’t even know how to pronounce the names of chemicals?
‘Hormone Check’ was an application that enabled people to check cosmetic products in the store before they bought them. Using a barcode reader it identified the product and gave immediate feedback on whether it contained hormone-disrupting substances or not.
The app reached first place in the App Store with over 72,000 downloads after two weeks (20% of all iPhone owners in Norway.) Consumers have registered 15,749 products. 1,319,562 products have been scanned so far! Because of the public pressure, major brands have started to withdraw dangerous products from the market.
Our Thoughts
The digital revolution is changing how companies do business. The smarter CEO’s recognize this and are changing their practices to be more transparent voluntarily before they are forced to by apps such as this. It is shocking and shameful that major cosmetics companies knew they were selling products that could be harmful to people. And it is equally encouraging that in Norway they are being called to account.
In many other product areas I think we can expect to see the same happening as group pressure forces organizations to behave with simple common decency.
Confectionery brands should all be buying Fair Trade chocolate. Coffee brands too.
The list is almost endless but this Hormone Check app shows the way.