


Issue 52 | September 2019



Creative Team

Creative Director: Casilda Sa´nchez Art Directors: Guillem Castellvi, Manuela Pereira Design: Juan Fresno

Production Team

Executive Project Direction: Laia Zanon Project Oversight: Julio Obelleiro Tech Direction: Leo Da Costa Tech: Abel Sierra, Manuel Pasamontes Technical Production: Andres Yves Q&A Management: Albert Renedo


June 2019


SEAT had been investing significantly in the music festival scene, because it gave them the opportunity to be culturally relevant to their core target audience One of the problems with festivals, though, is losing your friends in among the tens of thousands of others there.

Seat wondered if they could help solve this problem in a way that would help festival-goers associate Seat with technology-driven solutions.


The goal was to do something with Augmented Reality that was not simply cool but useful.

Collaborating with Google, the Lost&Sound app reunited friends.

The way it worked was festival-goers opened the app and then scanned the festival space with their camera lens. Provided all parties had installed the app, the icon for the friend they were trying to find would appear on their screens, indicating the friend’s precise location within the crowd and their distance from the finder.

Users could send out a signal to let their friends know where they were in addition to requesting that their friends share their signal.

If the user was inactive at the time, they received a notification, so they could access their friend’s location when they next opened the app.

The app was unveiled at Primavera Sound in Barcelona, which was attended by more than 220,000 people.


At the Primavera Sound festival, the app got +1800 downloads. There have been over 2,200 downloads so far.

It was opened +4270 times over the first weekend.

Over the course of the summer, SEAT was sponsoring two other major festivals at which the app would be made available.

Our Thoughts

Brands communicate as much, if not more, in the services and products they offer people than the messages they put out there. There’s plenty of AR out there, mostly quite fun and engaging simply because it’s new. For a lot less than the cost of shooting a TV commercial, SEAT is demonstrating that as drivers become increasingly influenced by the tech their choice of new car offers, they are innovators who think about the driver experience.