
Tree Detective

Best FMCG Campaign - Best Use of Doordrops

Issue 13 | December 2009


Chemistry Communications Group

Creative Team

Creative Director: Tim Uden Designer: Mark Harrison Copywriter: Gilly Hanna Artworker: Kenny Risk Digital Designer: Thomas Whitehead Client Services Director: Ingrid Purcell Senior Account Director: Sarah Andrews Senior Account Manager: Paul Durrans Account Executive: Olivia Thompson

Production Team

SCA Hygiene Products : Velvet


From March to June 2009


Velvet launched a bold new messaging platform: that for every tree Velvet used they would ensure that 3 more are replanted. To reinforce this message and deeply engage consumers, a unique ‘edu-tainment’ brand learning experience for children

was created called the ‘Triple Velvet Tree Detective’.


In a category clouded by white softness, the bold tree-themed campaign had major cut-through. It captured parents’ hearts by giving their children the chance to participate in tactile activities, teaching them the importance of trees and the chance to be deputized as a ‘Triple Velvet Tree Detective’.


Targets were smashed:

  • 93.5% respondents recalled the 3 Trees message against a target of 60%.
  • 84.3% respondents intended to purchase Triple Velvet against a target of 50%.
  • Website traffic increased by 20% (target 15%).
  • One independent researcher claimed it was “the most positive piece of research” they had ever seen.

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