
Cardboard Record Player

Issue 16 | September 2010


Grey Vancouver Canada

Creative Team

Associate Creative Director/Copywriter: Geoff Dawson; Art Director: Andrew McKinley

Production Team

Production Manager: Dennis Isaacson; Sound Design, Recording Studio: Meg Griffiths; Production, Dyna Graphics: Rick Selinger

Other Credits

President, Vinyl Guru: David Read; Account Director: Genevieve Louden




GGRP is a premier sound house, based in Vancouver, Canada. Despite a strong reputation, and a history of award winning work, GGRP was suffering from the perception that they’d become long in the tooth. They wanted to show that GGRP still stood for creativity in sound.

To meet this objective, the campaign targeted existing and potential new clients, across Canada and into the US.


Everything vinyl represents seemed to fit GGRP perfectly. From that creative leap emerged a new brand identity and website.

To promote the changes, the original plan was to send out vinyl records but nobody has a gramophone any longer.

Research and several failed prototypes led to the creation of the album cover-as-player concept. The mailing itself played the music.


Over 90% of recipients responded in some way, often by asking for more copies. But it was the indirect responses that generated the most traffic. It became an internet phenomenon, on over 500 blogs such as Gizmodo and Wired. YouTube views for the promotional video have increased by over 20,000 in under a week. Traffic to the GGRP site grew exponentially, moving from 50 visits/week to more than 70,000. The viral nature of the record player’s success has created more conversations with the creative community than GGRP ever expected.

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