
What would Bill Bernbach think? 1.

Issue 15 | June 2010


Lean Mean Fighting Machine

Creative Team

Creative Directors: Sam Ball, Dave Bedwood; Creative team: Alex Shapowel, Alex Buchanan-Dunlop

Other Credits

Client: Clare Vaughan Davies


November 2009

To view

Go to to see the creative team in Paris testing out their app


To reinforce its position as a leader and innovator in the travel industry, Emirates suggested that they should have an iPhone app that was relevant to its customers as well as interesting in itself.


iLingual lets you use your iPhone to speak French, German and Arabic phrases in flawless foreign accents.

Take a photograph of your mouth and iLingual will animate it to the tune of hundreds of phrases in flawless French, German and Arabic, from asking for directions to check-out in the airport to ordering catfish in a restaurant.

You can select a male or female voice for each language, and adjust its pitch to match your own.


In its first month there have been:

7,500 tweets.

40,000 app downloads.

It has been ever-present in the Top 20 most popular travel apps.

Several user-generated iLingual videos have been posted on YouTube.

It has been featured by Wired magazine.

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