Outdoor & Events


Philip Morris Philippines Manufacturing Inc.

Issue 6 | July 2008


Arc Worldwide Manila

Creative Team

Aina Remalante – Creative Director and Writer;Raymund Pineda – ACD and Art Director;Nino Gupana – Jr. Copywriter;Robert Perez – Sr. Graphic Artist;Allen Noche – Graphic Artist

Production Team

Robert Perez - Print Producer;Angie Reyes - Project Manager

Other Credits

Jude Montinola – Group Account Director;Anna Montenegro - Account Manager (DM);Sherwin Miguel - Account Manager (Event);David Buenaventura - Sr. Account Executive (Event);Arvon Fernandez - Account Executive (DM);Monik Barreto – Account Executive (Event)


February – September 2007


The call centre market has become a hot target with their disposable income, tech-savvy nature and indulgent tendencies. Quite a number of telemarketers happen to be adult smokers. The client wanted to penetrate the Call Centre Adult smoker market. The challenge for the agency was how to make Marlboro their preferred cigarette brand.


The inspiration for Arc Worldwide’s idea came from the fact that telemarketers who work the night shift miss partying. So if they can’t come to the regular Marlboro events (normally held in the evening) the party would be brought to them during the hours they were free to unwind. Hence the Marlboro Red Eye Breakfast. Invitations to the party were unique: a bracelet in the shape of a breakfast fork. These were distributed by promoters during bar hops and were used as a party pass by the attendees.


The first party was well attended by the target audience. A post event evaluation was conducted wherein guests gave their thoughts on the event, and a resounding 100% said that they would gladly attend the next Red Eye Breakfast event. Since the initial event was such as success, they continued to be held until September 2007

Target Audience

Telemarketers in their early 20s who are smokers. Being young adults, these individuals love to go out with their friends, go bar hopping, and engage in other activities normally enjoyed by their age group.


Mid-size - held in key bars in Metro Manila.

Our Thoughts

A great piece of ‘marketing at a moment of truth’. I've always marvelled at Marlboro's ablity to overcome the ban on conventional channels by inventing media of its own. Indeed, I think every agency should regularly pretend they face the same obstacles and then set out to create something new for their clients. SH

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