Outdoor & Events

The Drunk Cam

Issue 21 | December 2011


Forsman Bodenfors

Creative Team

Art Director: Ted Mellstrom; Copywriter: Jacob Nelson

Production Team

Digital Producer: Peter Guadiano; Graphic Designer: Asa Plahn; Account Manager: Elin Sohlberg; Account Director: Andreas Engstrand; Film Production: Axel Soderlund

Other Credits

Production Company: Sparkling Zoo


August 2011


IQ's aim is to raise awareness about drinking habits and encourage Swedish people to consume alcohol more moderately.

They have been producing a lot of TVC:s and interactive campaigns over the years. Now they wanted to move with the times and get to be a part of their target audience’s weekend adventures via their mobile phones.


The idea was all about getting people to know their “drunken selves”. Most people enjoy partying and assume that it is as much fun for others seeing them drunk as it being in this state.

But IQ believed that most people, when sober, don’t appreciate quite how badly they behave when drunk.

The  DrunkCam app allowed your "sober self" to meet your "drunk self" in order to make you reflect on what you are really like when you’ve had a few too many.

Before a party night, the user decided when the Drunk Cam should start filming. Then their mobile phone alerts them when the time is right and the camera starts filming for 60 seconds. 12 hours later the mobile phone gave off an alarm and let the user watch his/her film for the first time. Ending with the message: “Take care of yourself”.

Not pretty.


15.000 downloads within 5 days.

Our Thoughts

I downloaded this app and used it last Saturday night. My own personal experience is what makes this idea great.

And to the neighbours at No. 37, your letterbox shall be returned. And I’m sorry about the cheese.

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