Onsala Sandwich Sausage – Now Ready-Sliced
Issue 7 | July 2008
Creative Team
Emil Jonsson, Mimmi Andersson, Gunnar Skarland, Jan Eneroth, Albin Larsson, Mattias Frendberg - Art Directors;Micke Schultz, Elisabeth Berlander, Ulrika Good - Copywriters
Production Team
Louise Christiansson, Elin Andreasson, Lena Björklund Henriksson - Production Designers;Johan Good, Stig Lundstedt, Fredrik Toreskog - Account Supervisors;Karolina Mindhammar, Lena Kling, Malin Berggren, Anna Troglin, Monica N Persson - Account Managers
Other Credits
Robert German
June 2007
After more than 50 years on the market, Onsala is the best known brand of sandwich sausage in Sweden. Through the years, the package and logo design have remained more or less the same, making it easily recognisable on the supermarket shelves. Now, the Onsala sausage has been improved. It comes ready-sliced, and in a special, new package. Goss were charged with marketing the launch of this new ready-sliced Onsala sausage.
Since the design of the Onsala sausage is so well known, the agency used the famous old package in the advertising - instead of the new. The only difference was that all the ads – on billboards, buses, trolleys, etc - were sliced. Field marketing activity even involved handing out sliced coupons, giving people a discount on their first purchase of the new ready-sliced sausage.
During the weeks of the campaign, the ‘sliced’ advertising became the talk of the town. The ads fluttered in the wind on billboards, buses, subways and shopping trolleys, and were mentioned in press articles and on radio shows. Sales of the ready-sliced sausage were 140% higher than projected.
Our Thoughts
After 50 years of sausage-making, Onsala introduced a startling new product innovation. The pre-sliced sausage. So what did the agency do? They sliced everything. Posters, ads, and they even handed out pre-sliced coupons that gave shoppers a meaty discount on their first pack of pre-sliced Onsala. It may not be subtle but it sure is single-minded.