Outdoor & Events

The 12 Days Of Christmas

Hep Attitude Positive – Hepatitis NGO

Issue 6 | July 2008


JWT Beirut

Creative Team

JWT Beirut

Production Team



December 2007


Hep Attitude Positive is a Lebanese non-governmental organisation created with the sole purpose of educating people about Hepatitis B and C. In the buzz of the holiday season, Hep Attitude Positive wanted to reach out to the country’s young partygoers, hoping to highlight the many causes of the disease in an effort to help prevent it from spreading through reckless behaviour. Due to the intended audience the approach had to be lighthearted and in the holiday spirit.


JWT Beirut’s solution came in the shape of a special Christmas card to be given out in pubs and clubs around the city. The idea was to create a rectangular folded card with a sing along text to the tune of 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' coupled with reindeer illustrations. The lyrics to the Christmas carol were tweaked to tell of the many ways one could catch Hepatitis B and C, with the end of the card sealed with a complementary condom. The key thought was to have people spend time with the idea and actually sing along to the carol tune, all the while listing the causes of the disease.


Not yet available.

Target Audience

Young Partygoers / Teenagers

Our Thoughts

Delivering a health warning during a) the Christmas party season and b) when everyone's hammered is never going to be easy. But here, a frivolous tone and a funky look probably got the message under the radar. SH

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