Half Lives
Levi ® Strauss (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Issue 7 | July 2008
OgilvyOne Worldwide Sdn Bhd
Creative Team
Selina Ang - Executive Creative Director;Martin Ng - Art Director ;Adam Chan - Copywriter
Production Team
Alex Phung - Designer; Chan Tze Keat, Calvin Tan, Mizhael Kong - Programmers; Chan Tze Keat - Animator; The Sofa Sessions - Composer / Audio Specialist; Lim Cheng Hwee - Illustrator
Other Credits
Yanti Nading - Account Executive;Teh Kwan Yeow - Account Executive ;Jacqueline Chin - Project Manager;Kar Mun How - Project Executive
January - February 2007
For the last six years, Levi’s has been releasing special edition couple T-shirts for Valentine’s day. However, interest was waning. For 2007, Levi’s collaborated with two Malaysian award-winning fashion designers to create Levi’s Tee For Two couple tees. Priced at US$27.60 per set, there were four designs to choose from. Each design formed a complete picture when the male and female tees were placed next to each other. Levi’s needed to bring the couple tees to life again in order to generate product interest and drive sales.
In celebration of coupledom, Levi’s® took on the idea of ‘two halves make a whole’. This formed the heart of the campaign: from the email to the interactive game, the copy to the prizes. Couples who visited the site simultaneously would be rewarded with the full experience. Upon visiting the microsite, targets were allowed a trial game to tease them. However, product purchase was required to win the prizes, which included a Valentine’s dinner for two and a set of His and Hers fragrances.
The game required couples to play live simultaneously to pair up seemingly individual objects to form new ‘wholes’. For instance, if one half of the couple played ‘butter’, they would have to find their other half ‘fly’. The same would go for ‘pea’ and ‘cock’ or ‘fox’ and ‘glove’. And they would have to do this amid a chaos of mismatches in the fastest time. Apart from the online contest, the microsite also featured product images and details, as well as a viral component. See www.our-work.com.my/halflives.
The drive-to-web email achieved a 43% open rate and a 38% click rate. The site received 24% more unique visitors than any single past campaign. Once on the site, 65% of the total registrants played the game and each made four referrals. Tele-survey findings following the contest revealed that 90% of respondents had found the game very engaging and 80% had bought the couple tees after visiting the site.
Target Audience
Urban men and women aged 16 to 25 who are in the throes of new love. They keep abreast of the latest trends and make decisions that express their individuality. Yet, they still need acceptance from their peers. The majority is tech-savvy and likes to try new technology.
Our Thoughts
The concept of two halves making a whole is rather sweet, and the rhyming couplets are very cute too. We’re not sure if we’re just not made for each other at Directory, but we found the pair-matching a little difficult. Or maybe we were just enjoying the music too much.