Issue 21 | December 2011
Publicis Brazil
Creative Team
Creative Directors: Hugo Rodrigues, Leo Macias; Art Directors: Leo Macias, Bruno Salgueiro ; Copywriters: Gustavo Alves, Leo Macias
Production Team
Production: Rita Vilarim, Thiago Loureiro, Emerson Russo ; Photographer:Raul Raichtaler ; Artbuyer: Selma Momosse
Other Credits
Account team: Fernando Silva, Cesar Arantes, Marcus Nakata, Melissa Gamoeda; Media: Andrea Veronezi, Silmara Dassi, Raphael Cavalcanti; Planner: Renato Sapiro
May 2011
Hopi Hari is Brazil’s largest theme park, located near Sao Paulo. Every year they hold ‘Hora do Horror’, or ‘Horror Hour’ and this year’s theme was “Epidemic”, with the park overrun by zombies. They wanted to create buzz about the event.’
Posters were created, which invited viewers to rip off the skin of the young man in the photo to reveal the infected zombie within. Made from specially coated paper, the posters were genuinely interactive, allowing people to be both horrifying and horrified.
Over 1,000 posters were placed in colleges and universities in Sao Paulo and neighbouring cities.
90% of the schools targeted organised trips to the park during the two months of “Horror Hour”, contributing to a record number of visitors for the event.
Our Thoughts
We often see ideas that appear to have been created purely to capitalise on a newly discovered production technique. But I think this concept was a happy confluence of idea and discovery at the right moment.
Elsewhere in this edition, on pages x – xx, Publicis Brazil invited you to crap your dacks. Here they invite you to peel the ‘skin’ off a face to reveal the gore and horror of the zombie-esque infection beneath. I only hope those who accepted the challenge were wearing their spare undies as they did so.