Mail & Door Drops

The spare underwear

Issue 21 | December 2011


Publicis Brazil

Creative Team

Copywriter: Luis Felipe Figueiredo ; Art Director: Rodrigo Panucci ; Creative Directors: Hugo Rodrigues, Denis Kakazu

Production Team

Agency Production: Rita Vilarim, Thiago Loureiro ; Photographer: Fábio Bataglia

Other Credits

Account Team: Fernando Silva, Cesar Arantes, Marcus Nakata, Melissa Gamoeda


May 2011


Hopi Hari is Brazil’s largest theme park.

They have held the Hora do Horror event every year for the last ten years and wanted to create buzz and excitement around the 10th anniversary show, which was even bigger and scarier.


To suggest quite how frightening the 2011 show was, journalists and bloggers were mailed a fresh set of underpants with the message, “Horror Hour, the 10th Anniversary. Better come prepared”.

Along with the gift was an explanation and an invitation to visit Hopi Hari.


200 bloggers who specialised in entertainment were mailed the underpants. 175 of them attended the opening event.

In under 24 hours, the mailing had generated over 2,500 comments and shares in all social media with hundreds of tweets and re-tweets about both the mailing and the event.

Our Thoughts

We occasionally see packs based on the insight that the product will scare the bejeezus out of you, most notably FCB Melbourne’s mail pack for the Suzuki GSX-R1000 featuring a pair of large testicle implants (Caples, 2009). What makes packs like Publicis Brazil’s ‘spare undies’ clever is the need for the consumer to complete the loop in the story. And it’s funny because it’s a poo joke.

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