Outdoor & Events

Trash Novel

Frauennotruf Frankfurt

Issue 7 | July 2008


Y&R Germany

Creative Team

Uwe Marquardt - Creative Director;Daniel Tripp - Art Director;Sarah Hirschhaeuser - Copywriter;Britta Joh - Art Buyer;Victoria Kap-Herr - Illustrator

Production Team

Marion Lakatos - Agency Producer; Braun + Sohn - Production Company


August 2007


The brief was to raise attention, using an info flyer, to the fact that Frankfurt has a telephone helpline for sexually abused or threatened women.


The info flyer was created to look like the cover of a trash novel and was placed in book dispensers in between dime novels. The only difference was that it was not about love and romance, but about the terrible reality for a lot of women: abuse by their own husband. The women were encouraged to get in touch with the Women’s Emergency Call, either by phone or in person.


The edition of 5,000 books was ‘out of stock’ within two weeks. In the period of determination in the third quarter of 2007, the number of calls rose by up to 33%.

Target Audience

Women of all ages, who could be affected directly or indirectly by this issue.


5,000 brochures

Our Thoughts

We liked the use of media here – clever to get your target audience to pick up your flyer themselves, rather than have to hand it out or mail it. And the style of this mini-book, recreating the tone of a real trashy novel (‘she heard his firm male stride in the corridor…’) makes the violence, when it happens, all the more shocking.

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