Broadcast, Press & Inserts
177 Articles

Seven Fennels and Raspberries

BBDO Belgium

Issue 59 | June 2021

Guilt-Free Dining

RAPP London
Issue 10 | March 2009

The charitable status of the Hoxton Apprentice is what really makes it stand-out from the rest – so the agency looked for a creative solution that would highlight this. They created the concept of the Guilt Free Lunch, because all the money you paid for your food would be going straight to the Charity Training For Life.

Heavy Page

BBDO New York
Issue 10 | March 2009

The ALS Association of Greater New York holds a benefit dinner each year in aid of 'Lou Gehrig's disease'. ALS concealed a weighted page within the programmes placed on each chair at the dinner, to draw people's attention to the ad as well as the debilitating effects of the disease.

Black Boy Wanting Water

Mortierbrigade Brussels
Issue 8 | September 2008

A guerrilla action for the charity event ‘Music for Life’ involving a thirsty black boy running onto prime-time television programmes and glugging down the host’s glass of water

Hard To Reach

Kitcatt Nohr Alexander Shaw
Issue 7 | June 2008

A national TV campaign designed to promote reading to children.

Direct Campaign

Wunderman New York
Issue 6 | March 2008

An entertaining, multi-channel direct response campaign that dramatises the idea of accident preparedness, and shows that with Nationwide you can be truly ready for the unexpected at a good price.

Dogs Know

M&C Saatchi / Mark
Issue 6 | March 2008

A 30-second radio ad with an ultrasonic frequency (at 20,000Hz) mixed under the voice-over - a sound that humans can’t hear, but dogs can.

Pop-Up Tents

Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy
Issue 3 | June 2007

An insert that pops up when the page is opened to draw people's attention to Millets' range of tents.

Talking Press Ad

JWT London
Issue 1 | December 2006

A blank double page ad enabled with an audio gizmo that talks at you when you open the page.
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