303 Articles
303 Articles
An invisible problem
Issue 62 | March 2022
How To Be Creative
Issue 33 | December 2014
Madmen vs Mavens
Issue 33 | December 2014
Physicality Is A Human Language
Issue 33 | December 2014
Cannes Considered 2014
Issue 32 | September 2014
On June 12th, just as the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity was beginning, Julian Koenig died at the age of 93. In 1959, when he was a copywriter at DDB in New York, he wrote 'Think Small' for Volkswagen. He followed that up with 'Lemon'. In 1999, 'Think Small' was judged the best press advertisement of the 20th Century by Ad Age.
From the pulpit
Issue 32 | September 2014
In some ways, the third Directory of the year, the September issue, is always the hardest to edit.
Tales from the Accident Factory
Issue 32 | September 2014
As part of our Cannes Considered feature, Directory is pleased to be able to publish the text of Chris Clarke's seminar, which he delivered to a packed audience on the main stage of the festival on Innovation Day.
The King is a Copycat (too) - Part 1
Issue 32 | September 2014
Directory is delighted to be able to publish one chapter of "Hacker, Maker, Teacher, Thief, Advertising's Next Generation", the third book from Creative Social and available from Amazon from mid-September.
The King is a Copycat (too) - Part 2
Issue 32 | September 2014
Elvis Presley did innovation in bucket loads of original music for the 20th century, from rockabilly with Sam Philips, to singing loudly.
Cannes Contenders 2014
Issue 31 | June 2014
We put out an email asking creative directors for their Top 5 campaigns of the year, ideas they are sure will win Gold at Cannes in June 2014.
From the pulpit
Issue 31 | June 2014
I was talking to some young entrepreneurs the other day about how they should build their companies around their values rather than around their products.
Le Salon des Refusés
Issue 31 | June 2014
In 1863, the Paris Salon mounted its annual exhibition. What made this particular show infamous was the fact two-thirds of the paintings submitted were deemed not good enough. Among the rejected pictures were works by Édouard Manet, Gustave Courbet and Camille Pissarro, several of them acknowledged today as masterpieces.
Issue 30 | March 2014
My mother was a Jewish mother.
Naturally, my Jewish mother, like all Jewish mothers, wanted me to be a doctor, or a lawyer... or as she used to say, "Be something!"
I wanted to be a cartoonist. Oy vey, a cartoonist was not on her list...
From the pulpit
Issue 30 | March 2014
Being a judge at an award show is easy. You get to hang out with loads of fellow creatives and have fun looking at, and discussing, loads of work, some of which is rubbish and some of which you magnanimously award metal to.
Gideon Amichay
Issue 30 | March 2014
“No, No, No, No, No, Yes” is not just the title of Gideon Amichay’s new book, which was published on January 24th 2014, it is also the name of his new company.
How to win at YouTube
Issue 30 | March 2014
When you have five spare minutes today, try opening up these two YouTube videos and get them playing side by side.
The Directory Big Won Rankings 2013
Issue 30 | March 2014
The 2013 rankings are compiled from 8,004 awards for 4,780 separate pieces of work won by 1,317 agencies around the world, including.
From the pulpit
Issue 29 | December 2013
Welcome dear reader to the latest issue of Directory
Psst, wanna buy some used digi-advice?
Issue 29 | December 2013
In 1994 I ran my first e-marketing seminar, including some guest speakers from different organisations. Little did I realise at the time how indicative it was of the industry that was
to evolve to the ‘digital marketing’ one we know today.
The Caples Awards
Issue 29 | December 2013
The Caples Awards were founded in 1977 by the late, great Andi Emerson.
The most valuable thing about behavioural economics
Issue 29 | December 2013
About a year ago I had lunch with the splendid Steve Henry. He recalled an evening spent sitting in the offices of HHCL in 1994 waiting for the advertising campaign to break for Ronseal Quick Drying Woodstain.
From the pulpit
Issue 28 | September 2013
Issue 28 | September 2013
The Danish Direct Marketing Awards 2013
Issue 28 | September 2013
The view from Cannes
Issue 28 | September 2013
Ardbeg B.C. (Before Committee)
Issue 27 | June 2013
Big Data Big Deal
Issue 27 | June 2013
From the pulpit
Issue 27 | June 2013
The View from Lebanon
Issue 27 | June 2013
Issue 26 | March 2013
From the pulpit
Issue 26 | March 2013