Broadcast, Press & Inserts
177 Articles

Seven Fennels and Raspberries

BBDO Belgium

Issue 59 | June 2021

The World’s Biggest Most Awesome Waste of Time

Issue 16 | September 2010

Time is valuable to everyone. So the idea was to get rid of lame ways of wasting time, such as queuing to pay bills, and replace them with awesome ways of wasting time. The World’s Biggest Most Awesome Waste of Time Competition invited people to waste time in spectacular ways.

Flip Book

Clemenger BBDO New Zealand
Issue 15 | June 2010

The message appeared in the form of a flip-book in New Zealand’s most popular car magazine, NZ Performance Car. Using page numbers as an indication of speed, an illustrated car crashes into the number on page 58, followed by the message that most crashes happen between 50 - 60kph.

Roar for the Tiger

Ogilvy Russia
Issue 15 | June 2010

Four Russian celebrities/ambassadors, who in their own way have a real connection and passion with the great Amur Tigers, were asked to speak up on behalf of the endangered beasts. In the commercials and online films, they do not speak but they roar, as if they are tigers.

The Hijack

Leo Burnett Beirut
Issue 15 | June 2010

There was no allocated budget for ‘Ehkineh’ so the plan was to use guerrilla tactics to generate buzz and free media coverage. The idea was to interrupt six prime-time programs on six major Lebanese radio stations on the same day. Someone would burst in on the presenter and, because he had no credits left on his mobile phone, would hijack the airwaves to convey an important message to someone in the audience.

The last place you want to go

M&C Saatchi, London
Issue 14 | March 2010

The site is single-minded in its objective to provide consumers with the very latest technology at the keenest prices. To do this, it uses a compelling price guarantee to match the key competition both on and offline.

13. Unlucky for some

Issue 13 | December 2009

The most disagreeable part of editing Directory is turning away good work. Editing Issue 13 has been more disagreeable than usual.

6 ways to improve your chances of winning awards

Issue 13 | December 2009

Every awards organiser has a dark secret. I know. I used to be one. It’s that 90% of the entries never stand a chance and not just because the very best will blow them out of the water – although that’s true as well.

Judging at the UK’s 2009 DMA’s

Issue 13 | December 2009

Why is it that judging is such an odd (albeit rewarding) experience?

Khede Kasra

Leo Burnett, Beirut
Issue 13 | December 2009

Khede Kasra – Leo Burnett, Beirut The Hariri Foundation One small underscore can change a word from masculine to feminine. Can that mark change a whole society?

The $100m press ad

Shimoni Finkelstein DraftFCB, Tel Aviv
Issue 13 | December 2009

The $100m press ad – DraftFCB Shimoni Finkelstein, Tel Aviv Gindi Holdings A simple insight and, for the client, kerching!

The Greatest Song

The Jupiter Drawing Room, Cape Town
Issue 13 | December 2009

What’s the Greatest Song Ever? – The Jupiter Drawing Room, Cape Town Musica When a group of deaf children were given the gift of hearing, the first thing they heard were the world’s greatest songs.

Throw Us A Bone

M&C Saatchi/Mark, Sydney
Issue 13 | December 2009

Throw us a bone – Mark/M&C Saatchi, Sydney Sydney Dogs & Cats Home Rather than ask Sydneysiders to get out their wallets, Frankie asked them to get out their mobile phones and donate.

Zurich Connect launch

20:20 London
Issue 13 | December 2009

The creative vehicle is an animated double act. The Blue character represents quality. He’s what you’d expect from Zurich; mature and responsible.

Cipro Perforated Cover - The Jupiter Drawing Room

The Jupiter Drawing Room, Cape Town
Issue 12 | September 2009

A smart media idea, turning the cover of the magazine into postcards, as well as a powerful communications idea designed to stimulate creative thinking.

Win a Car - The Jupiter Drawing Room

The Jupiter Drawing Room, Cape Town
Issue 12 | September 2009

Every week of the year there’s a ‘Win a Car’ promotion and here’s another one – but this time with an idea and a bit of wit.

Extreme Comfort Shaving

DraftFCB London
Issue 11 | June 2009

NIVEA has been behind some of the dullest advertising in Britain. Then this campaign by Draft FCB London comes along.


BBDO/Proximity Malaysia
Issue 11 | June 2009

This installation for HELP had a very profound effect on the many who saw it and won an EFFIE.

You are Chancellor

Issue 11 | June 2009

Politics in Austria seemed to have become a game for the politicians. Kurier, Austria’s leading newspaper, decided it would invite the citizens of the entire country to play the game as well. The message was, “The Game, The Players And The Rules - Everything about the election, daily in the KURIER.

Guilt-Free Dining

RAPP London
Issue 10 | March 2009

The charitable status of the Hoxton Apprentice is what really makes it stand-out from the rest – so the agency looked for a creative solution that would highlight this. They created the concept of the Guilt Free Lunch, because all the money you paid for your food would be going straight to the Charity Training For Life.

Heavy Page

BBDO New York
Issue 10 | March 2009

The ALS Association of Greater New York holds a benefit dinner each year in aid of 'Lou Gehrig's disease'. ALS concealed a weighted page within the programmes placed on each chair at the dinner, to draw people's attention to the ad as well as the debilitating effects of the disease.

Black Boy Wanting Water

Mortierbrigade Brussels
Issue 8 | September 2008

A guerrilla action for the charity event ‘Music for Life’ involving a thirsty black boy running onto prime-time television programmes and glugging down the host’s glass of water

Hard To Reach

Kitcatt Nohr Alexander Shaw
Issue 7 | June 2008

A national TV campaign designed to promote reading to children.

Direct Campaign

Wunderman New York
Issue 6 | March 2008

An entertaining, multi-channel direct response campaign that dramatises the idea of accident preparedness, and shows that with Nationwide you can be truly ready for the unexpected at a good price.

Dogs Know

M&C Saatchi / Mark
Issue 6 | March 2008

A 30-second radio ad with an ultrasonic frequency (at 20,000Hz) mixed under the voice-over - a sound that humans can’t hear, but dogs can.

Pop-Up Tents

Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy
Issue 3 | June 2007

An insert that pops up when the page is opened to draw people's attention to Millets' range of tents.

Talking Press Ad

JWT London
Issue 1 | December 2006

A blank double page ad enabled with an audio gizmo that talks at you when you open the page.
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