Mail & Door Drops
665 Articles

Agency self-Promotion


Issue 62 | March 2022

Fish Hook

RAPP New Zealand
Issue 14 | March 2010

The envelope was constructed with a piece of fishing line and a bright yellow tag protruding through the top. When you pulled at the fishing line, it ripped open the envelope so you literally reeled in the contents.

Inheritance campaign

EHS Brann, Cirencester
Issue 14 | March 2010

A pack was mailed out purporting to come from a firm of solicitors informing the recipient that he could be in line for an inheritance from a possible Aussie ancestor. The inheritance? A year’s supply of Foster’s.

Long Envelope

DraftFCB New Zealand
Issue 14 | March 2010

The idea was to take prospects on a ‘journey’ that demonstrated how the frugality of a BMW diesel can allow owners to have the occasional, well-earned, old-fashioned ‘to-hell-with-it’ moment of decadence.

Personalised Stamps

Saatchi & Saatchi DGS New Zealand
Issue 14 | March 2010

It’s you – on a stamp! The awards night was an opportunity for everyone to look their best. So a great portrait photographer was hired to take photographs of all the great and the good in advertising and marketing who were at the awards night.

Saint Brendan

Dialogue, Ireland
Issue 14 | March 2010

200 Marketing Directors of medium to large American companies were targeted and mailed a piece depicting Saint Brendan, an Irishman who is thought to have reached America long before Columbus.

Star Campaign

RMG Target, Dublin
Issue 14 | March 2010

A simple but highly visible envelope with a large window showed a 5 cent coin stuck to a card containing a scratch panel, which once scratched, revealed a personalised URL and unique code.

The Heinz Baby Club

Issue 14 | March 2010

The challenge was to develop a baby club which was sufficiently different from all the other similar clubs out there to become a young mum’s favourite source of information about nutrition during pregnancy and in the first years of her baby’s life.

Toy Soldiers

Y&R South Africa
Issue 14 | March 2010

1000 packs were mailed out. Initially, the mailer appears to be a typical packet of toy soldiers, but once opened, the recipient finds that the figurines are in fact children - reading books, playing soccer, riding bikes and doing other childhood activities. In other words, doing what they would do in a normal life.

Track Day Invitation

RAPP New Zealand
Issue 14 | March 2010

In place of a test drive, the target audience of 1500 existing and potential GTi owners was invited to a private Track Day, where they could put a new Golf GTI through its paces on a closed race-track.

Valentine’s Day

Shackleton, Madrid
Issue 14 | March 2010

St. Valentine´s Day is the most romantic day of the year. Men and women give and receive presents from their partners so the agency thought Calle 13 should give presents too. But, of course, the channel is more about action and drama than soppy love stuff so two completely different mailings were created.

Autumn Mailing

Issue 13 | December 2009

Change4Life Autumn campaign – EHS, London COI/Department of Health Bright and cheery ways to help tackle obesity from those bright and cheery folk at EHS

Concrete Letter

Y&R Auckland, New Zealand
Issue 13 | December 2009

Concrete Envelope – Y&R, Auckland Microsoft Direct mail gets a hammering – literally. And rather wonderfully.


Iris Worldwide, London
Issue 13 | December 2009

Dinosaur – Iris Worldwide, London Iris Worldwide Big network agencies are lumbering creatures from the Pleistocene. This mailing suggests Iris could be better adapted.

Every penny is beautiful

Story UK
Issue 13 | December 2009

The agency had to create a look and positioning for a financial product which could hold its own in the ultimate arena of cutting-edge innovative design...


Partners Andrews Aldridge
Issue 13 | December 2009

Grudgeby – Partners Andrews Aldridge, London RFU For nearly 150 years, Oxford and Cambridge have kicked and fought each other on the rugby pitch. Every year it’s a grudge match.

How are the Kids?

EHS Brann
Issue 13 | December 2009

Using the bright colours and characters from the advertising, the recruitment into the CRM programme is an easy to complete questionnaire for mums and kids.


Issue 13 | December 2009

The creative force was a combination of well-crafted copy with state-of-the-art digital technology producing up to 40,000 variables per campaign...

In The Dark

GREYMATTER, Johannesburg
Issue 13 | December 2009

In The Dark – Greymatter, Johannesburg Absa The day after the power-cuts started in Gauteng, homeowners got this mailing suggesting one way of dealing with the blackouts.

John Smith’s Travel Diaries

Proximity, Lisbon
Issue 13 | December 2009

John Smith’s Travel Diaries – Proximity, Lisbon ANA, Airports of Portugal How do you persuade airline route planners to keep flying to Lisbon? You show them how much there is to see and do there.

Kern Precision Scales

20:20 London
Issue 13 | December 2009

Kern scientists were asked to weigh every element of their corporate stationery (from the letterhead to the envelope, down to the very ink on the business card) to a staggering seven decimal places...

Long Letter

DraftFCB New Zealand
Issue 13 | December 2009

DM’s Longest Letter Ever – DraftFCB New Zealand The Herald on Sunday Readers spend an hour browsing through the newspaper on a Sunday so media buyers were challenged to spend the same amount of time on the letter.

Nip and Tuck

Issue 13 | December 2009

Nip and Tuck – CMW London Peugeot The new car has had cosmetic surgery so the pack arrives in bandages.

Operational Effectiveness

Archibald ingall stretton
Issue 13 | December 2009

Operational Effectiveness – Archibald Ingall Stretton 02 Here’s how an IT Manager can lose a dozen of his job titles (such as CEO Testing Mobile Chargers).

Precise Measurements

Wunderman London
Issue 13 | December 2009

Precision Weighing – Wunderman, London Kern Kern can measure anything – from the paper their letters are printed on to a puff of wind.

Speed Up/Slow Down

Wunderman, London
Issue 13 | December 2009

When the post-room is slow, a nice cup of tea is what they need but when things are busy they need a caffeine hit. Trust FedEx to supply what’s required.

Thank You Notes

Rapp, Auckland
Issue 13 | December 2009

Thank You Notes – Rapp, Auckland Heinz Wattie’s If you’re a dog owner, now you have the opportunity to say thank you to your four-legged friend.

The World’s Longest Business Card

BWM Sydney
Issue 13 | December 2009

The Worlds Longest Business Card – BWM Sydney Australia Post How they drummed up an audience in Australia for Directory’s very own Patrick Collister

Thomson Pre-Departure programme

Issue 13 | December 2009

Direct mail and a fully personalized website helped every customer feel excited by the holiday ahead and involved in preparing for it with Thomsons.

Tree Detective

Chemistry Communications Group
Issue 13 | December 2009

In a category clouded by white softness, the bold tree-themed campaign had major cut-through...

Winter Car Kit

Stephens Francis Whitson
Issue 13 | December 2009

Winter Car-Kit – Stephens Francis Whitson, London More Th>n Insure with More Th>n and they actually give you something back for your money – in this case, everything you need to deal with a British winter.
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