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Issue 62, March 2022
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Issue 56, September 2020
Issue 55, June 2020
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Issue 52, September 2019
Issue 51, June 2019
Issue 50, March 2019
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Issue 48, September 2018
Issue 47, June 2018
Issue 46, March 2018
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Issue 44, September 2017
Issue 43, June 2017
Issue 42, March 2017
Issue 41, December 2016
Issue 40, September 2016
Issue 39, June 2016
Issue 38, March 2016
Issue 37, December 2015
Issue 36, September 2015
Issue 35, June 2015
Issue 34, March 2015
Issue 33, December 2014
Issue 32, September 2014
Issue 31, June 2014
Issue 30, March 2014
Issue 29, December 2013
Issue 28, September 2013
Issue 27, June 2013
Issue 26, March 2013
Issue 25, December 2012
Issue 24, September 2012
Issue 23, June 2012
Issue 22, March 2012
Issue 21, December 2011
Issue 20, September 2011
Issue 19, June 2011
Issue 18, March 2011
Issue 17, December 2010
Issue 16, September 2010
Issue 15, June 2010
Issue 14, March 2010
Issue 13, December 2009
Issue 12, September 2009
Issue 11, June 2009
Issue 10, March 2009
Issue 9, December 2008
Issue 8, September 2008
Issue 7, June 2008
Issue 6, March 2008
Issue 5, December 2007
Issue 4, September 2007
Issue 3, June 2007
Issue 2, March 2007
Issue 1, December 2006
Current Issue 15
June 2010
Stop staggering, my friends
The view from Scotland
Customer Service
What would Bill Bernbach think?
What would Bill Bernbach think? 1.
What would Bill Bernbach think? 2.
MCCA Best Awards - Best of the Best
MCCA Best Awards - More best of the Best
Resurrecting the School of Communication Arts
Mail & Door Drops
Blitz Direct 1085 Hamer Street Vancouver BC CanadaV6B 1J4
A postcard was used to engage customers with a simple, yet powerful demonstration of what it feels like to rent movies from a video store in winter. Using thermal ink, the message was revealed by the near-zero temperatures of their freezers and fridges.
Blitz Direct 1085 Hamer Street Vancouver BC CanadaV6B 1J4
A postcard was used to engage customers with a simple, yet powerful demonstration of what it feels like to rent movies from a video store in winter. Using thermal ink, the message was revealed by the near-zero temperatures of their freezers and fridges.
Bruce’s Whisky Barrel
The Jupiter Drawing Room
The challenge for the premium whisky brands which Brandhouse stocks and sells (Bells, Johnnie Walker etc) was recession. Consumers were drinking cheaper brands. Both the TV show and the mailer set out to show that there are no chap ways to make a decent scotch.
Dirty Envelope
Chemistry Communications
The first part of the campaign involved an envelope, which landed on the prospect’s doormat splattered with paint, dust and oil, and a muddy footprint right across the middle. A message on the front of the pack asked: “Does your business day look a bit like this?”
Dirty Envelope
Chemistry Communications
The first part of the campaign involved an envelope, which landed on the prospect’s doormat splattered with paint, dust and oil, and a muddy footprint right across the middle. A message on the front of the pack asked: “Does your business day look a bit like this?”
Have We Gone Too Far?
Iris, London
Asking the question, ‘Have we gone too far?’, DM packs featuring a spoof tube of Marmite Toothpaste were sent out across the UK. The recipient was told that though this could have been a step too far, Marmite had however launched the first savoury cereal bar.
Have We Gone Too Far?
Iris, London
Asking the question, ‘Have we gone too far?’, DM packs featuring a spoof tube of Marmite Toothpaste were sent out across the UK. The recipient was told that though this could have been a step too far, Marmite had however launched the first savoury cereal bar.
Head & Heart in 12 Chapters
OgilvyOne Frankfurt
‘Head & Heart’ was mailed out to 200 potential customers. It was a book with Gothic illustrations that took the recipients on a fantastic journey. Each of the 12 chapters has a heading of seemingly disparate pairs of terms, like Price & Performance, Mass & Class or Meeting & Relationship.
New Car Owner’s Manual
Rapp Melbourne
The agency chose to dramatise a human truth: new cars are great, but they do take a bit of getting used to. The ‘New Car Owner’s Manual: Your Guide To Frequently Encountered Problems’ brought this insight to life. After all, they’re nice problems to have.
New Registrant Mailer
Wunderman NY
Given that the recipients were growing themselves, literally, and were about to grow a family, the concept of ‘growth’ was central to the piece. The visual language was of growth imagery and the copy used metaphors inspired by trees, plants and flowers.
The Power of One Ringgit
Arc Worldwide - Malaysia
ING sent out the invitation in the form of a Malaysian one ringgit note, only this particular note had a little girl’s face on it. The note was folded in such a way that the recipient was encouraged to interact with it to make the little girl smile. The message was, one ringgit is all it takes to bring back her smile, so please join the Spread the Smile movement. Instructions were given on the note, along with details about the screening.
The Random Camera Project
Ogilvy RedCard Singapore
It is common for creatives to browse through photo libraries hoping that an unexpected image might lead to a surprising new idea. It was this insight into the creative mind which drove the direction of the creative concept: Random Inspiration.
Trojan Horse
Arc Worldwide, Malaysia
The team wanted to show how a single idea, well crafted and executed, can break through seemingly impenetrable walls to reach its target and achieve success. The story of the Trojan horse was the perfect example of this and the agency’s creative leap was to dramatise the metaphor with a mailing of a scale model of the equine original.
Trojan Horse
Arc Worldwide, Malaysia
The team wanted to show how a single idea, well crafted and executed, can break through seemingly impenetrable walls to reach its target and achieve success. The story of the Trojan horse was the perfect example of this and the agency’s creative leap was to dramatise the metaphor with a mailing of a scale model of the equine original.
Online & Digital
10 Downing Tweets
Twenty Six is a twitter aggregator that aims to capture the mood of the nation during the election period. The site aggregates all Twitter mentions of the various parties and leaders, allowing people to see who’s generating the most noise and discover the hottest topics of the day.
10 Downing Tweets
Twenty Six is a twitter aggregator that aims to capture the mood of the nation during the election period. The site aggregates all Twitter mentions of the various parties and leaders, allowing people to see who’s generating the most noise and discover the hottest topics of the day.
A Precision Valentine’s Day Message
Wunderman London
We emailed a charming Valentine’s video which proves it is possible to accurately measure the weight of an actual kiss using Kern technology.
Censored Comments
Reporters without borders
To show how easily anyone with an opinion can be censored on the internet, Reporters Without Borders was given access to a number of popular websites in Germany. Whenever and wherever someone posted a comment their messages were manipulated. Instead of what they actually wrote being posted, an anodyne remark appeared instead.
Create your own cool
BMF Sydney
The solution was to tap into something that teens would be interested in: self-expression and creativity. A highly engaging campaign was created, which gave teenagers the opportunity to design their own Dunlop Volley shoes (a cool Australian youth brand) in 3D. They could then view their designs using Augmented Reality technology and share them with their friends through social media to attract votes. The two designs with the most votes would actually get made into a pair of shoes.
Deutsche Bahn Festival Campaign
3Sixty research revealed that many young people post video diaries of their interrailing trips around Europe on YouTube and Facebook. They like to tell the stories of their experiences and adventures and hear those of their friends. As well as this insight, research showed that they are often more interested in music festivals abroad than at home, where they can be expensive wash-outs. Big-name rock bands and sunshine, what more could they want?
Do you have what it takes?
DDB Stockholm
Earlier campaigns had shown that the core target audience can’t resist a challenge so the idea was to test their ability to work in groups, because that’s how they would have to work in the armed forces, as part of a team.
Forever Young
Akestam Holst
Bo Brundin had been an actor who had spent time in America, appearing in “The Great Waldo Pepper” with Robert Redford. When he returned to Sweden at the age of 72, he set out to recreate his bachelor pad in Manhattan from the 60’s in his house in Östhammer. He wanted to recapture his youth but all he had was an original picture and the memories from the best time of his life.
Robinson Cursor Club
Scholz & Friends Hamburg
Via the regular Robinson newsletter and on a special website, readers were made this special offer: ‘Send your cursor on holiday – after all, it works just as hard as you do. Let it send back reports on what a Robinson holiday is really like. And while it’s away, we’ll give you a stand-in to use.’
Robinson Cursor Club
Scholz & Friends Hamburg
Via the regular Robinson newsletter and on a special website, readers were made this special offer: ‘Send your cursor on holiday – after all, it works just as hard as you do. Let it send back reports on what a Robinson holiday is really like. And while it’s away, we’ll give you a stand-in to use.’
Safety on the Internet
Ogilvy Amsterdam
A complete stranger (actor) approached people on the street, on their doorsteps or in their offices and asked them for private information about themselves and their families. He asked for their credit card pin codes and to see their holiday pictures. Naturally the responses were negative and people were disconcerted by the nosy parker. A hidden camera caught their reactions on video.
Sweet Tweets By U (Gold)
Memac Ogilvy Mather - Dubai
When Memac Ogilvy & Mather noticed how many people tweeted about Toblerone on Twitter, they decided to turn these tweets into ads. After all, these were people describing their Toblerone experiences in real-time. What better way to support the ‘Lost in the Toblerone Triangle’ campaign?
The Google Job Experiment
Alec Brownstein
When Scott Vitrone, Ian Reichenthal (both Creative Directors at Y&R New York) Gerry Graf (Executive Creative Director of Saatchi & Saatchi New York), Tony Granger (now Global Creative Director for Y&R) or David Droga (the CEO and Chief Creative Officer of Droga5) Googled themselves, they saw a personalized message from Alec asking for a job. The message linked to his online portfolio. He used Google Ad Words and buying the words cost him the grand sum of $6.
The Proposal
OgilvyOne Beijing
Look how a software developer proposes!" became the hot viral title both within developer circles and out. It attracted over 2,200,000 viewers in one month. Further exposure on 3rd party websites, attracted a stunning 21,875,000 impressions.
The Proposal
OgilvyOne Beijing
Look how a software developer proposes!" became the hot viral title both within developer circles and out. It attracted over 2,200,000 viewers in one month. Further exposure on 3rd party websites, attracted a stunning 21,875,000 impressions.
Things happen
OgilvyOne Frankfurt
Most accidents happen when you least expect them to. And that’s what the banner demonstrates in a very tangible way. When online users try to open their Yahoo! mail account, the mailbox falls down and smashes the car in the banner below.
Things happen
OgilvyOne Frankfurt
Most accidents happen when you least expect them to. And that’s what the banner demonstrates in a very tangible way. When online users try to open their Yahoo! mail account, the mailbox falls down and smashes the car in the banner below.
Time Will Tell
OgilvyOne Beijing
501 owners love the process of breaking in their jeans. The question was, how could the idea reflect this process online, where the youth target spend so many hours of their day?
Time Will Tell
OgilvyOne Beijing
501 owners love the process of breaking in their jeans. The question was, how could the idea reflect this process online, where the youth target spend so many hours of their day?
Virginity Map
Aim Proximity
Because the plotlines of Go Girls often revolve around “who’s sleeping with who,” a racy website was created where users could not only find intimate knowledge about the show’s characters but they could share some of their own.
Yellow Chocolate
AIM Proximity, Auckland
Regular New Zealander Josh was invited to create and launch a chocolate bar to New Zealand that tasted of yellow using only businesses he could find in Yellow to help him. TV spots highlighted his progress, pointing consumers to his website to watch webisodes, chat, make suggestions, and learn about the businesses that were supporting him. They could also join his fan page on Facebook and sign up for tweets.
Outdoor & Events
3D Rugby
Archibald Ingall Stretton, London
Thousands of rugby-loving O2 customers were given a ‘virtual seat’ at Twickenham for England’s Six Nations home games. How? By creating live 3D broadcasts of the matches at 40 cinemas nationwide and giving O2 customers ‘Priority’ access to tickets.
Sleepless At Playground
Akestam Holst , Sweden
The start-point for this campaign was a study written by the Swedish Health Council, claiming that hiking makes people healthier and more alert.
Street Map
Draftfcb Germany
Alzheimer’s disease makes itself apparent through memory loss. To dramatise what this feeling of disorientation must be like to a sufferer, the agency created a street-map but with all street names blanked out. The maps were left in bars, restaurants and information desks. The message called for donations for the Alzheimer Society. A 19% increase in calls and a 5% increase in donations to the Alzheimer Society Hamburg...
The Telescope
OgilvyOne Frankfurt
Telescopes were installed at various picturesque locations such as the summit of the Feldberg in the Black Forest. However, when tourists looked through the viewfinder they did not see the rolling, verdant landscape they could see with the naked eye. Now they saw that vista but transformed into a barren region of dead forests.
Valentine “Make A Move”
Leo Burnett, Beirut
Two months before St. Valentine’s Day, an anonymous blog was posted at Tweeting and blogging about single life in Beirut, Ivy became the local Carrie Bradshaw and quickly gathered an enthusiastic following amongst young single women.
Do you have what it takes?
DDB Stockholm
Earlier campaigns had shown that the core target audience can’t resist a challenge so the idea was to test their ability to work in groups, because that’s how they would have to work in the armed forces, as part of a team.
Help the Oversharers
Wunderman London
The campaign was launched on Facebook, the epicentre of oversharing, with some unique Facebook functionality. People who downloaded the Pringles plugin, when they saw a friend’s silly status, just needed to click the Overshare button. This generated a customisable message that directed the friend to the ‘Help the Oversharers’ website ( to play around with more cool content.
Love in Action
OgilvyOne Worldwide, Athens
The campaign launched with a series of TV spots inviting people to submit their personal love stories to the Lacta website. The hope was that around 100 people might share their stories but in the end some 1,307 love stories were uploaded.
Love in Action
OgilvyOne Worldwide, Athens
The campaign launched with a series of TV spots inviting people to submit their personal love stories to the Lacta website. The hope was that around 100 people might share their stories but in the end some 1,307 love stories were uploaded.
Roar for the Tiger
Ogilvy Russia
Four Russian celebrities/ambassadors, who in their own way have a real connection and passion with the great Amur Tigers, were asked to speak up on behalf of the endangered beasts. In the commercials and online films, they do not speak but they roar, as if they are tigers.
Valentine “Make A Move”
Leo Burnett, Beirut
Two months before St. Valentine’s Day, an anonymous blog was posted at Tweeting and blogging about single life in Beirut, Ivy became the local Carrie Bradshaw and quickly gathered an enthusiastic following amongst young single women.
Yellow Chocolate
AIM Proximity, Auckland
Regular New Zealander Josh was invited to create and launch a chocolate bar to New Zealand that tasted of yellow using only businesses he could find in Yellow to help him. TV spots highlighted his progress, pointing consumers to his website to watch webisodes, chat, make suggestions, and learn about the businesses that were supporting him. They could also join his fan page on Facebook and sign up for tweets.
Broadcast, Press & Inserts
Flip Book
Clemenger BBDO New Zealand
The message appeared in the form of a flip-book in New Zealand’s most popular car magazine, NZ Performance Car. Using page numbers as an indication of speed, an illustrated car crashes into the number on page 58, followed by the message that most crashes happen between 50 - 60kph.
Roar for the Tiger
Ogilvy Russia
Four Russian celebrities/ambassadors, who in their own way have a real connection and passion with the great Amur Tigers, were asked to speak up on behalf of the endangered beasts. In the commercials and online films, they do not speak but they roar, as if they are tigers.
The Hijack
Leo Burnett Beirut
There was no allocated budget for ‘Ehkineh’ so the plan was to use guerrilla tactics to generate buzz and free media coverage. The idea was to interrupt six prime-time programs on six major Lebanese radio stations on the same day. Someone would burst in on the presenter and, because he had no credits left on his mobile phone, would hijack the airwaves to convey an important message to someone in the audience.